Valencia vs Navel: All you need to know.

Often our wholesale customers ask why certain batches of our fresh cold pressed juices change throughout the year.

Orange juice can actually have one of the most diverse taste ranges in our line-up of flavours.

As the seasons change, so does the availability of local produce around Perth.

The great thing about our little corner of the world is that we have the best of both.

We have Valencias and Navels.

There are differences

Valencias - “Summer oranges”.

When: Nov - April.

These sun-kissed classics are juicy, sweet, and pack a tickle of tartness. Known to be refreshingly tangy and often featured on the front cover of “OnlyFruits” as the 'Go-to OJ Orange'.

For most of the year, our Valencias come from farms close to home, namely Gin-Gin which is roughly 1 hour north of Perth.

The last Valenica oranges of the season in Gin-Gin, WA.

Navels - “Winter oranges”.

When: April - Nov.

Navels get a tough time, but they're absolutely delicious. They’re personally our favourite variety when it comes to juicing. Often used in food due to their sweet-sweet sweetness, they have a gorgeously rich flavour.

The first fruit picked from the tree can pack a tangy slap, but for the most part, their acidity mellows out. What they lack in tang, they make up for in sweetness, and that is what we love. Plus, we have no choice.

Orange juice being bottle by hand at Squished juice in Perth, wa.

What happens in between?

During the crossover months, we carefully blend the two varieties together to help the transition of flavour.

The just-plucked baby fruit can sometimes be overly tart or bitter, so blending the babies with the oldies works well and keeps sour-sensitive customer complaints at bay.

Anyway, all of this is tough, and you get what you are given! 😉


Fresh Cold Pressed Juice vs Long-Life Cold Pressed Juice: The Complete Comparison Guide.